One Woman, One Pry Bar and Determination

Today’s post is a “What I did this summer,” story. But the truth is it began over five years ago.

We have a small home in the Arizona mountains. Like much of the land in Strawberry it is on a steep hillside as it backs up to the Mogollon Rim. When the house was built we had to have fill dirt and rock brought in to give us a somewhat level foundation. From the back to the front of the house it’s still a three foot drop, but it was workable. As you can imagine where the bulldozer stopped leveling the ground there was a steep drop off with this fill dirt. In my eyes it wasn’t a very pretty sight. But it also wasn’t a priority.

Until the summer five years ago when I looked around and decided to make good use of the natural sandstone found everywhere on the property and build a stone wall up the hillside. The sandstone was so plentiful it seemed an easy job to level and stack. But it was not. The pry bar immediately gave a resounding thump as it bounced off a big rock. It was so heavy that after less than fifteen minutes I was ready to cry in frustration. Of course, Bob ran over to help (that’s how he is) which only irritated me more. This was to be my project but I couldn’t even move one single stone. There was a big ‘woe is me’ pity party, blaming myself for being out of shape and unable to manage the 5000 feet altitude.

You know how hindsight is 20-20? A short month later I had one of those moments. Yes, that’s when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. Ah ha! It was a moment of clarity. Suddenly, the fatigue, shortness of breath and lack of strength made sense. If only it had been recognized sooner…but that’s a story for another day except to say, if you are a woman get your mammogram. My doctor had recommended a baseline study and with no family history of problems my prescription had been sitting on the counter waiting for the opportune time. Because of, well, priorities… Don’t be like me. Make your health a priority.

Fast forward five years to this summer.


Planting a little peach tree right in the middle of the wall.

Other projects finished, my attention turned back to the front yard. I dug out the pry bar and headed back over to the hillside. Five years of better health brings with it strength and to my surprise, ability. Ability to pound the pry bar into the ground. Ability to move big rocks. And ability to persevere. I began stacking the sandstone, learning as the project moved along how to make them level and how to lock them together. At first, I would wait on Bob to help move the big rocks and then came realization that one person can do a whole lot using a lever and fulcrum. Learning that the same small stone that keeps a rock wiggling when you stand on it can also be used as a pivot for a much larger rock. Slowly, and some days, ever so slowly, the wall began to take shape. Bob would call and ask what we accomplished that day and I’d tell him, “I moved one rock.” Some days I imagined myself like the ancient Egyptians building the pyramids but thank goodness I wasn’t. Still one rock at a time it was built.


The finished product?

As summer ends is my rock wall finished? Maybe. Maybe not. I still haven’t decided. It’s far enough over and close enough to the brambly manzanita bushes that it could be done. Or it might be continued next summer. In the mean time we planted some vines in the cracks and a few lilacs dug up from Mom’s yard. Hopefully they will become well established over the winter.

Before leaving you’ll get a laugh from this picture that comes with an explanation. I asked Bob to take a flattering photo I could share (Rebecca says if I wanted a flattering picture I should have looked at myself in the mirror in those pants…) But I gave Bob my camera, the one he never uses, with instructions to take a panoramic picture, something he has never done. He tried to figure it out but my directions were pretty poor as was my impatience. Ha. As you can see, the picture turned out so terribly that it’s funny.

100_3425And that’s what I did this summer. Just call me the stone stacker.

9 thoughts on “One Woman, One Pry Bar and Determination

  1. BLESS YOU !!
    STONE STACKER… it fits..
    Beautiful job & what an accomplishment
    U ROCK !

    Dios obra en todo..

  2. What she doesn’t say is how gereat she looks. Lost weight, needs a new wardrobe.  Bob, cut loose with some bucks.   From: Ramblin’ Rose To: Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:39 AM Subject: [New post] One Woman, One Pry Bar and Determination #yiv8842984320 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv8842984320 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv8842984320 a.yiv8842984320primaryactionlink:link, #yiv8842984320 a.yiv8842984320primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv8842984320 a.yiv8842984320primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv8842984320 a.yiv8842984320primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv8842984320 | projectmat posted: “Today’s post is a “What I did this summer,” story. But the truth is it began over five years ago.We have a small home in the Arizona mountains. Like much of the land in Strawberry it is on a steep hillside as it backs up to the Mogollon Rim. When the ” | |

  3. WOW! I became ‘acquainted’ with those hills coming down from Payson w/ no brakes…..You must be one of Matt’s Super Heroes, you’re becoming one of mine……And those pants……Tell Rebecca I have a pair almost like them!…

    • Ha Jan, my mom also has some almost identical pants…in fact we were wearing our matching outfits the other day. Look for us on the People of Walmart site!
      Also, those roads down from Payson are still scary though thank goodness it’s all 4 lane divided highway now. I can’t imagine your fright driving down without brakes!

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